Friday, October 31, 2014


Reflecting on dreams, I realize that mercifulness is more difficult than it seems. I wish I could teach it with a short story that would reach the four corners of the world.
I ache to see so many have no food, no safety, no justice. I believe human beings have to change this. There is goodness for who sees it.

It would be hard to live in certain countries and to be a thinker or a dreamer.
Mercifulness, how to teach this?

Monday, September 29, 2014

writing coach

About every two weeks I'm a writing coach. I always hope the participants, who love to write, like me, have inspiration from the writing-assignment I give them. The last assignment involved a white sheet lying on the street.
Since three years of participating at writingcontests in Dutch, I have twelve publications of short stories. I won three contests. The strange thing is that winning can get in the way of creativity. I tend to expect more and more of myself, and this is a sure recipy for writer's block. Before I wrote for fun, after I wrote to win. The solution is to start writing for fun again. Not to expect to win everytime, to have the greatest story-ideas every round. Originality and high expectations don't always go together well. I'm reading the Comic Toolbox by John Vorhaus and he seems to agree with me.
I have to find my way to create plots on demand. Here also the Comic Toolbox is helpfull. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

getting published with writing contests

I've been away from my blogs, writing and reading. I now have seven short stories published thanks to writing contests in Dutch. I've been asked to do some coaching. Friday I invented a new literary form. I don't think I have ever seen it anywhere before. I'm waiting to know if it'll get published.
I'm awaiting the results of city2cities. I participated in the writing contest and hope to get chosen for the publication for the third time in a row. I love city2cities for the interesting interviews with writers from the guest cities. This year the participating cities are Dublin and Boedapesht. The festival is located in Utrecht.

*new* item at Chez Odile is the metachat where Creatives and Thinkers meet.


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