Monday, September 29, 2008

being responsible

Who is responsible? I or else? As a child I thought that responsibility and guilt of mistakes was close to each other. Then I thought about the difference between guilt and responsibility. You can be not guilty of circumstances but still responsible for how the circumstances act upon your life, especially when life is a challenge.
Is there a I? Where is the location of the I? Should it be me who is in charge?
As a parent I would be quick to say yes, but it's been fruitful to reask myself how my responsibility looks like and understand my self. Understanding my self is the key to cross the bridge to relate to others.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

journal writing

I've started writing a journal to develop my inner qualities further. With a friend who lives at the other side of the Netherlands we have a skype meeting every week to develop ourselves as a tool to keep our spirits healthy and up. I'm 43 years old, married to a PhD, and still learning.
More on journal writing here.

*new* item at Chez Odile is the metachat where Creatives and Thinkers meet.


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