Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
are recipies painkillers
Today I read that thinking of food is a natural painkiller. I'm sure we'll get books on how to think of food to cure ourselves -thinks my sceptical self-. I probably would enjoy reading such a book, because this kind of book for me naturally works as a relaxating laughter vehicle. Maybe it works with recipies as well? I can picture myself running to the bookshelf next time I have a serious headache and reading recipies.
My son strawls along with a little pain on his arm. I ask him to think of something he likes to eat. It works. Now he will have less pain, but he will gain callories.
Geplaatst door
Odile S
11:04 AM
Labels: callories or pain, natural painkiller, thinking of pain
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
animated cartoon yourself
Want to try making an animated cartoon? First draw one arm, head or leg until you finish the character- then push the animate button. Very easy. My son wrote words instead of drawing limbs, drew only a basketball or vegetables. Fun to do and to enjoy the result. Now where can I get a similar programm that enables to keep the results?
Geplaatst door
Odile S
2:58 PM
Labels: animated cartoons yourself
Sunday, August 3, 2008
write a movie to learn
Writing a movie is one of those wishes that I don't think to be able to respond to. A pitty because it might be a fruitful learning experience that involves many skills.
Geplaatst door
Odile S
1:08 AM
Labels: many skills, writing a movie to learn
my other blogs
blogging lists, friends, ...
- original thinking in kabbalah
- good practices teaching (dutch)
- Hester Macrander (dutch)
- Linda Spaanbroek (dutch)
- List of learning methods
- schrijvenonline blogroll (dutch)
- Challenge from India
- Yudkowski to reveal bayesian mystery
- mathbloglist
- neurobloglist encephalon
- Serendip
- ktismatics
- Bluevicar
- sciblogslist
- my dutch blog
- my french blog
- independent scholar
- encyclopedia britannica
- dictionary of Philophy of mind
- Snark's impatience remedy for writers
- hesiak
more blogs that I visit, some are very very good
- (english) philosophical weblogs list
- (english) blog about thinking
- (english) scholar's blog
- (french) livres pour enfants
- (english) Rabbi levi's blog
- (english) Kafka project
- (english) mad scientist matt, writer
- (english) thoughts on the road, writer
- (dutch) literair tijdschrift
- (dutch) Sergio, writer
- (dutch) Aelberts, writer
- (dutch) Susan, writer
- (dutch) Psyping, many qualities
- (dutch) Luthien, writer
- (dutch) literatuuraire
- (dutch) Langenveld, writer
- (dutch) Kitana, writer
- (dutch) de Winter, writer
- stevenski